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Sometimes having a plan that is printed and ready to go helps keep everything on on track!

I can't keep it all organized in my head (and every time I think I can... well, I forget something important!) so I've created these printables that I use EVERY time we do a trip.

We hope they prove to be useful for your family too!

Beach Day Checklist.png


A trip to the beach is relaxing and fun...if you have everything you need. Forget the sunscreen or water and it can actually get dangerous. Forget the toys and sandcastles are more difficult!

Use this list and you'll have everything you need!


It's super important to have your food planned an organized before you go camping. Once you get there you don't want to have to run to the store multiple times because you forgot something silly like butter or salt.

Use this list and you'll have everything you need!

Camping Meal Planner.png
50th Day of School Poster.png


A simple yet fun 50th Day of School is just around the corner! Get your poster and get ready for fun!

In the description of the Sock Hop video I have links to the cute clip art and a dance lesson!


Get into the mood for Fall with this great list of ideas! I compiled them from multiple sources on around the web to give my family a variety of options to choose from!


Will your family pick a familiar favorite or discover something new and exciting to start a new tradition!!

Check out Part 1 of our adventure completing our picks!

Fall Bucket List PDF-2.png
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